Quebec Installation and Award Ceremony
Montreal, Canada
In an effort to rebuild Quebec’s Section, Canada held a bilingual event in Montreal. We inducted 7 new Fellows, including the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at McGill University. We presented 3 awards and donated $5000 to a local Oral Health Access to Care initiative.
PFA Canada Meeting in Vancouver
March 8, 2024
Drs. Trista Felty and Kristy Chu, the Co-Chairs of the British Columbia Section, organized a world class event, at the Pan Pacific Hotel. New Inductees and Award Recipients were piped in to the grand ballroom, where Fellows enjoyed a full service lunch, wine and a panoramic views of Stanley Park and the beautiful port.
PFA Section Chair Summit
March 25, 2023
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, twenty-one Section Chairs from across the United States and Canada attended the Section Chair Summit in Rockville, MD (USA). The Summit included an open house at the PFA International Headquarters and a full-day session for Section Chairs. The group shared ideas and enjoyed the comaraderie of fellowship in the PFA. The Section Chair Summit was sponsored by the PFA Leadership Foundation.