The Model Section Award was established in 2014. The award is presented to acknowledge and encourage Sections and their Chairs to pursue activities that meet and exceed the goals and objectives of the Academy.

The Awards Committee will review each application against pre-established standards and determine if the Section meets minimum requirements in all areas. Sections that meet and/or exceed standards will be designated as Model Sections and recognized at the Annual Awards Luncheon.

The 2023 Model Section Award will be presented to the Section Chairs of the Model Sections during the Annual Awards Meeting of the Academy.

Directions: The Section Chair will complete this application and submit it to the Central Office (clicking the submit button sends it directly to the International Office) by June 30, 2023.

Our Section

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Has officers/board/membership committee (or equivalent) to identify qualified dentists for possible Fellowship nomination and/or Fellows within the Section who sponsor nominees: *
Conducts an annual business meeting and induction of new Fellows: *
Our induction meeting is just for PFA members: *
If no please check all the other groups you meet in conjunction with:
Invites our Trustee or Officers of the Academy to Section Meetings: *
Presents a Distinguished Dentist Award *
Recognizes the PFA Foundation's Scholarship Recipient (i.e. presents the award and/or invites the recipient to the Section meeting or announces the name of the recipient at a Section meeting) *
Recognizes the Academy's Student Certificate of Merit Student Recipient (presents the award and/or invites the recipient to the Section meeting or announces the name of the recipient at a Section meeting) ) *
Communicates with our Trustee at least on a bi-annual basis: *
Has a Section newsletter (electronic or printed) or alternatively, our Section regularly sends letters, notices, or e-mail messages to all its members: *
I have learned to post Section News on *
Is compliant with requests for reports, photos and information from our Trustee, Central Office/Executive Director, and Editor: *
Is represented at the Annual Section Chair Caucus and/or PFA Annual Awards Luncheon: *

Section Projects

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Our Section has at least one project that:

  • Directly promotes the mission/goals/objectives of the Academy
  • Is primarily administered and financed by the Section
  • Recurs annually

(examples: a Section Scholarship, (not the Foundation Scholarship) Student and/or Faculty Award, Grant , Mentorship program, Service project, etc)

  • Strong Sections apply for and hopefully attain a PFA Foundation $5000 Section Grant, and/or they may also endorse a $10,000 General Grant.

  • A $5,000 (U.S. dollars) Section Grant is for Pierre Fauchard Academy Section programs under the Section's control and in which a significant number of Fellows participate.
  • A $10,000 (U.S. dollars) Grant for service projects that provide increased access to dental care for the public in need.
  • Examples of past $5000 and $10,000 grants: local charitable clinics, Mission of Mercy (MOM) projects, foreign mission projects, "Give Kids a Smile" events, etc.

Our Section applied for a 2019-2020 $5000 Section Grant (the last time the award was available). *
We were successful in attaining a 2019-2020 $5000 Section Grant
Our Section endorsed a 2019-2020 $10,000 General Grant *
Our endorsed project received a 2019-2020 $10,000 General Grant

Section Chair

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As Section Chair, I affirm that the information provided in the above application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.