NY Section Induction & Awards Brunch
The NY Section Induction & Awards presentation was Friday May 31. Seven new fellows were inducted and the certificate of appreciation was presented to Jeffrey L. Eastman, Chief Executive Officer of Remote Area Medical.
NY Section Induction & Awards Brunch
The NY Section Induction & Awards presentation was Friday, May 31. Seven new fellow were inducted and the certificate of Appreciation was presented to Jeffrey L. Eastman, Chief Executive Officer of Remote Area Medical.
Massachusetts Breakfast Meeting
Five new fellows were inducted and the Distinguished Dentist award was presented to Dr. Athena Papas.
Massachusetts Breakfast Meeting
Five new fellows inducted and the Distinguished Dentist Award was presented to Dr. Athena Papas.
Two PFA Section Chairs recognized by the ADA as top 10 under 10 awardees.
Congratulations to Dr. Saniya Setia and Dr. Adam Saltz, two new PFA Section Chairs who are included in the ADA 10 new dentists who are demonstrating excellence in their work and inspiring others.
PFA Pennsylvania Inducts new Fellows
The PFA Pennsylvania Section inducted four new Fellows into the Academy at their recent meeting in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Dental Association Meeting in Blue Bell, PA.
PFA Section Chair Summit
Section Chairs from across the United States and Canada attended the Section Chair Summit in Rockville, MD (USA).