PFA India Section 37th Annual Convocation Ceremony
International Certificate of merit presented to Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak
International Certificate of merit to Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak
Installation of Chairman, Dr. Subhash Garg
International Certificate of merit to Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak
Fellows inducted 2023
The 37th Annual Convocation and Awards Ceremony of the PFA India Section was conducted by the Chairman Dr. N.R. Krishnaswamy and Secretary Dr. J. Sabarinathan on December 9th, 2023. PFA India section recognized and honored Dr. U.S. Krishna Nayak, Principal and Dean, AB Shetty Memorial Dental Sciences as the best dental professional who has contributed immensely to the profession and was awarded the International Certificate of Merit of Pierre Facuchard Academy.
Joint Secretary, Dr.Maya Ramesh introduced the 30 new inductees and they were awarded the PFA India Section Fellowship certificates. With this PFA Annual Convocation, the total membership of the India Section of PFA crossed 1000 and stands at 1004 (with 96 current active Fellows).
The Chairman, Dr. N.R. Krishnaswamy introduced the incoming Chairman Fellow Dr. Subhash Garg from Indore, and the Chairman installed him as the Chairman of the PFA India Section for 2024.