Southern CA Section inducts 10 new Fellows

Senior Dental Students Recognized for their Achievements

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Southern CA Section of the Pierre Fauchard Academy held it’s Fiftieth Annual Awards Luncheon at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel in conjunction with the Annual Session of the California Dental Association (Art + Science of Dentistry). Ten new fellows were inducted into the PFA, including one from Region 2, Dr. Les R. Prasad. The new fellows present and inducted were Drs. Emad Bassali, Abhiraz K. Bhatt, Jose Castillo, Frank Sy, Abhi Thakker, and Michael Yamane. Unable to attend were Drs. Brian Y. Hong, Lisa Ann Hou, and Alireza Moshaverinia, inducted in absentia.
The Southern CA Section also presented certificates to four senior dental students from the Southern California dental schools. The school’s select the students for these prestigious achievement awards. Three of the four individuals were able to attend: Brent Humeston, University of California, Los Angeles; Cynde Mai, D.D.S., University of Southern California; Stephanie Govea, D.M.D., Western University of Health Sciences. Missing and unable to attend was Kristina Padilla, Loma Linda University. Two of the students had recently graduated and had already received their degrees.
Recognized with Special Awards were two past Southern California Section chairs, Dr. D. Douglas Cassat and Dr. Denise Habjan. Dr. Habjan is also a past Region 5 Trustee. Their years of service to the Pierre Fauchard Academy, the A.D.A. and the California Dental Association were noted and lauded by the attendees.
Special guests included the PFA Treasurer, Dr. Dan Castagna and Region 5 Trustee, Dr. CR Anderegg who was also the Guest Speaker. The President-Elect of CDA was able to attend, Dr. Max Martinez, a PFA Fellow.

Co-Chairs Drs. Norman Nagel and RK Chetty reporting