Pierre Fauchard Academy Inductees

Toronto, Ontario Canada — 1837-1915 Dr. Willmott's singular importance to the profession of dentistry in Ontario Canada was his visionary development of dental education. Within his lifetime he forged and elevated the unregulated itinerant dental tradesman of the 1860s to a Canadian Dental Professional status of recognized academic standing and international reputation by 1915. Willmott provided the solid foundation in which the profession evolved in Canada...
Dr. Jeanne Sinkford A, 2022 inductee is an American dentist and academic administrator. She was the first female dean of an American dental school. She is a senior scholar in residence at the American Dental Education Association and a professor and dean emeritus at the dental school of Howard University. Sinkford was born in 1933, one of four sisters who all went on to attend college.
A 2022 inductee was a legend in the field of dental education, he served as dean of the Dugoni School from 1978 to 2006. His prior roles at the school included serving as assistant professor of operative dentistry; assistant professor of pediatric dentistry; assistant professor of orthodontics; chairman of the department of orthodontics; associate professor of orthodontics; and professor of orthodontics.
Dr. Lucy Hobbs Taylor A 2021 inductee was an American school teacher and a dentist, known for being the first woman to graduate from dental school (Ohio College of Dental Surgery in 1866). She was originally denied admittance to the Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio owing to her gender. Due to this, a professor in the college agreed to tutor her and encouraged her to practice dentistry. Once again, she applied to a dentistry school, this time Ohio College of Dentistry.
Baltimore, Maryland — 1769-1844 Dr. Hayden was born on October 13, 1769 at Windsor, Connecticut. After working as a cabin boy, carpenter, architect, and schoolteacher , influenced by John Greenwood, he turned to dentistry as a career. In 1800, Dr. Hayden began a dental practice in Baltimore Maryland. He was well versed in anatomy, physiology, and the medical sciences. Dr. Hayden was issued a license by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland in 1810, the first for the practice of dentistry in America..
Bardhanpara, East Bengal, India — 1890-1965 Dr. Rafiuddin Ahmed was born on December 24, 1890, in Bardhanpara, East Bengal, India. He graduated from Aligarh University in 1908. By the next year, he left for the United States by working his passage over.He enrolled in the University of Iowa School of Dentistry, earning his dental degree in 1915. Dr. Ahmed then worked in the Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children in Boston, Massachusetts, until 1918. In 1919, he returned to India to open a dental practice in Calcutta...
Atlanta, Georgia — 1870-1931 Dr. Hinman was born in Stratford , Ontario Canada, on March 4th 1870. His parents moved to Atlanta in 1871. He received his early education in the public schools of Atlanta. He received his D.D.S. degree in 1891 from the Southern Medical College in Atlanta. Dr. Hinman from his earliest days in practice, became closely identified with the educational phase of dentistry. When the National Dental Association was reorganized in 1922, he became a member of the Board of Trustees. He also served the Association as President in 1926 (now known as the ADA).
Indianapolis, Indiana — 1907-1996 Dr. Maynard Kiplinger Hine was one of the nation's most innovative pioneers in dental education, respected authorities in dental science, and distinguished leaders of organized dentistry. Dr. Hine was the son of general practitioner Clyde Hine, of Tuscola, Illinois. Maynard was reared after his birth in Waterloo, Indiana, in DeKalb County. In addition to his dental degree (University of Illinois, 1930) Maynard earned an MS degree from the University of Illinois (1932)...
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — 1823-1897 Thomas W. Evans was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1823, a descendant of a family of Welsh Quakers. He received a common school education and, at the age of fourteen, became an apprentice to a gold and silver-smith in Philadelphia whose business included also the manufacture of instruments used by dentists. This employment brought young Evans into contact with leading dentists of that period and created his desire to enter the profession of dentistry.
Tokyo, Japan — 1870-1947 Morinosuke Chlwaki was born on February 1, 1870 and spent his boyhood in Tokyo where he was educated at Keiogijuku (now the Keio University). He graduated from the institution in 1889 and entered the Takayama Dental School in 1893, In 1895 Chiwaki qualified for a dentist and after three years, went to China where he practiced dentistry in Peking and Shanghai. He came back to Japan in 1899 and in 1900 he succeeded Dr. Kisai Takayama, who was the Dean and a founder of the Takayama Dental School. The name of the institution was changed to Tokyo Dental School (later again changed to the Tokyo Dental College).
Lawrence, Massachusetts — 1874-1959 Dr. Frederick S. McKay was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on April 13, 1874. He was educated in the public schools in Milford and Boston, Massachusetts. At an early age he wanted to become a musician, but his health problems did not permit that to happen. As a young man he worked in his father's dry goods store in Milford and played with local bands. When his health failed due to what was thought to be tuberculosis, he moved to Colorado in 1894. After numerous odd jobs he became discouraged and returned to Massachusetts. He worked as a street car conductor and developed a lifelong love for trains and locomotives.
Butler, Pennsylvania — 1910-2002 Dr. Shira was born on December 2, 1910 in Butler, Pennsylvania. In 1912 his parents and four children moved to Dewey, Oklahoma. His early education was in the public schools in Dewey. He received his D.D.S. degree in 1932 from Kansas City Western Dental College and was selected as a member into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Dental Fraternity...
Toronto, Ontario Canada — 1837-1915 Dr. Willmott's singular importance to the profession of dentistry in Ontario Canada was his visionary development of dental education. Within his lifetime he forged and elevated the unregulated itinerant dental tradesman of the 1860s to a Canadian Dental Professional status of recognized academic standing and international reputation by 1915. Willmott provided the solid foundation in which the profession evolved in Canada...
Adelaide, Australia — 1898-1983 Dr. Percy Raymond Begg was born in a tent in the goldfields of Coolgardie, Western Australia, on 13th October 1898, the son of accountant and business manager Percy William Begg and his wife Fannie Elizabeth (nee Jacob). In 1900 the family moved to Adelaide and Begg attended Pulteney Grammar School and St. Peter's College, where he was a classmate of Nobel Prize winner, Howard Florey (q.v.). In 1923 he received his Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne and then spent two years at the Angle School of Orthodontia in Pasedena, California, under Dr. Edward Angle, who is remembered as the father of modern orthodontia.
Chicago, Illinois — 1906-1986 Harold Hillenbrand was born in Chicago on July 19th,1906, and died there on May 31st, 1986. He was one of a family of nine, and his father practiced dentistry in Chicago for over 50 years. He graduated as Doctor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor of Science in 1930, and conducted a private practice in Chicago for 15 years during which time he taught ethics and social relations and started a long series of editorships, which culminated with his appointment as editor of the Journal of the American Dental Association in 1945...
London, England — 1903-1991 Dr. Gerald H. Leatherman was born in London, England on February 18, 1903. His family moved to South Africa when he was nine years old. His early education was at King Edward VII School in Johannesburg and Witwatersrand University, where he studied chemistry and physics. In 1918 he visited the dental office of his father's close friend, Lemuel Morgan-Davis, who had graduated from Harvard Dental School in Boston, Massachusetts six years previously. He was fascinated by what he saw in Morgan-Davis' office; crowns, dentures and the use of plaster of Paris for
Coldwater, Kansas — 1886-1973 Dr. George M. Hollenback was born on a small homestead farm in Coldwater, Kansas on September 27, 1886. He was not born to a wealthy family, and did not receive prominence as a result of his early environment, but rather in spite of it. His mother, a highly educated woman, taught his early education. She taught him to read, write and the rudiments of mathematics before he entered school at the age of seven. His entire formal education consisted of 42 months. He attended a school 4 miles from his home and to attend he had to walk in all kinds of weather. At the age of nine, upon completion of his early education, he began working on the family farm.
Key Biscayne, Florida — 1901-1989 Dr. L.D. Pankey, Sr. Was born on July 31, 1901. He received his Doctorate in Dental Surgery degree from the College of Dentistry at the University of Louisville, practiced in New Castle, Kentucky for one year, then relocated to Coral Gables , Florida, where he practiced dentistry until 1969. In 1932, he became a member of the Florida State Board of Dental Examiners and served 12 years, including his term as secretary and chairman. Concurrently , he was a member of the American Association of Dental Examiners, serving as Vice President in 1942 and President in 1943...
Paris, France — 1854-1923 Dr. Godon was born on September 18, 1854 in Paris France. He attended local schools, but his studies were interrupted by the death of his father during the war of 1870 and the loss of his family's business due to a fire. In 1871 he started an apprenticeship in dental laboratory and continued his education in England. He founded the "Paris Dentiste Group" in 1879 and also founded the Paris Odontological Society in 1882. In 1894 her graduated as a Dental Surgeon from the Medical Faculty of Paris. He subsequently held positions as Director of the dental school in Paris, Chief of Clinics, Associate Professor and Professor of Clinical Dentistry.
Chicago, Illinois — 1836-1915 Dr. Black was born near Winchester, Illinois, on August 3rd, 1836. When he was nine the family moved to a farm in Cass county. He spent a great deal of his time in the nearby woods, learning directly about nature. Later he traveled around the countryside with his brother, a practicing physician, and acquired a great deal of knowledge about the human body, its ailments and their treatment. He later met a dentist , under whom he studied...
Hartford, Connecticut — 1815-1848 Dr. Wells was born on January 21, 1815, Hartford, Vermont. He attended select schools for 12 years. He studied dentistry between 1834 and 1836 in Boston, Massachusetts, and eventually went to Hartford, Connecticut to practice dentistry. At that time he was considered a leader of his profession. In 1840, a discussion with Linus P. Brochett, Hartford, CT, showed that Wells was deeply impressed with the idea that some discovery would yet be made by which dental and other operations might be performed without pain...
Rochester, New York — 1864-1946 With the death of Dr. Burkhart on September 22, 1946, dentistry lost one of its most colorful and notable figures. As a dentist, teacher, diplomat and public spirited citizen , Dr. Burkhart was honored and respected by all who knew him. Dr. Burkhart was born Cleveland, Ohio, August 4, 1864. He became interested in dentistry when he moved to Dansville, New York, to live with a brother who was a dentist...
Paris, France — 1678-1761 Fauchard, chirurgien dentiste of Paris was born in 1678 in Brittan in a very modest home. After training as a military surgeon he settled in Paris in 1719, where he remained until his death in 1761. Modern dentistry owes its greatest debt to a remarkable Frenchman who synthesized what was known in Europe about dentistry and presented in an organized form so that all colleagues of the profession could benefit from his book...
Baltimore, Maryland — 1806-1860 Dr. Harris was born on May 6th 1806 at Pompey, New York. At the age of seventeen, he moved to Madison, Ohio, joined his brothers, James and John, a physician and began the study of medicine. In 1824, on passing the Ohio Board of Medical Censors, he began practicing medicine and surgery in Greenfield, Ohio. In 1828, Dr. Harris turned to dentistry, and by 1833 was a student of Dr. Hayden located in Baltimore. Licensed by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Harris conducted an itinerant dental practice throughout the South. In 1839, he was instrumental in establishing the world's first dental journal, the American Journal of Dental Science, published at Baltimore.
The 2015 inductee to the Pierre Fauchard Academy Wall of Fame is Per-Ingvar Branemark, M.D., Ph.D. He was a Swedish physician and research professor whose accidental discovery made him the father of the modern dental implant.
Dr. Prof. Toshio Morioka The 2017 inductee to the Pierre Fauchard Academy Wall of Fame is Emeritus Professor Morioka was born on October 15th, 1928. He gained a DDS from Osaka Dental College in 1949 and was awarded his PhD at Osaka Medical School in 1957. He was awarded a Fullbright Exchange Scholarship to the University of Washington in 1962. He became Associate Professor at the Osaka University School of Dentistry in 1967, becoming a full Professor and Chairman of the Department of Preventive Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyushu University at Fukuoka in 1970.